Friday, June 20, 2014

Watch out for birds!

Very aggressive male bernacle 

In May-June birds are nesting a bit everywhere. As nature is never far from the urban life, some birds might create their nest in unappropriate places. They need peace. When you see a goose with an aggresive behavior (showing the tongue, running over people, opening wings, biting or flying to the face), it means that there is a female with eggs or babies very close. It is extremely important to explain the situation to children and prevent any attack. The wingspan of a adult bernacle can be up to 2m. In Helsinki, they are particularly numerous on the islands such as in the zoo of Korkeasaari, Suomenlinna, Lonna and Seurasaari which are very much visited by families.

Goose male is protecting the female and the eggs

The seagulls are maybe smaller but they are even more dangerous. If an adult feels that the babies are in danger it will fly over you and shit. The dropping of the bird is one of the most aggressive. If it goes into your eyes, wash immediately with clear water and go to the doctor. You might get severe damages if you don't take actions quickly enough.

Seagull nesting

There are also other very rare birds that should not be disturbed such as the hatching eider. If the female get scared, she might leave the nest unattended and the seagulls might break the eggs and eat the content.

Geese families enjoying a walk in Suomenlinna

There are a couple of bird-watching towers along the shoreline and on some islands where it is safe to look at the birds with lenses.

BirdLife Finland

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